Spring Water Distributor.

Tapuae Spring Water begins with rain falling on Mount Taranaki in the pristine country of New Zealand.

The water flows through one of the last virgin ecosystems, trickling through layers of volcanic rock until reaching an artesian aquifer that sits deep below the Earth’s surface located at the base of the Tapuae valley, surrounded by bush-land, rivers and lush green paddocks.

As the water travels underground it is naturally filtered through thousands of layers of porous volcanic rock and migrates through layers of sediment absorbing minerals and collecting dissolved salts on its journey.

The resulting product is rich in electrolytes, antioxidants and naturally endowed with a generous amount of essential trace minerals, giving the spring water its pure taste and therapeutic value.

The still spring water is available through two channels, provided through a 24/7 self-service water dispensing machine, allowing bulk filling (minimum 10 litres) and soon to offer an eco-friendly way to serve customers in the 1L and 500ml glass bottle range.

With more and more municipal water being available on today’s market, it can be hard to be sure of the quality of water products. Our guarantee to you is clean living water straight from our pure natural source.

​Test results from certified laboratories show that our spring water holds natural levels of minerals without any traces of bacteria or harmful chemicals.

This means our water has a crystal clear appearance and genuine pure taste, enabling the body to function the way it is meant to, along with flushing out harmful toxins and aiding the body with proper nourishment and hydration.



We are open to all collaboration ideas whether it be distilling with alcohol or options around a health and wellbeing beverage.


We are interested in exporting.


We are currently seeking to raise capital for a bottling plant that produces still spring water and carbonated spring water.

Supply chain

We are interested in finding new suppliers.

We are open to all collaboration ideas whether it be distilling with alcohol or options around a health and wellbeing beverage.

We are interested in exporting.

We are currently seeking to raise capital for a bottling plant that produces still spring water and carbonated spring water.

We are interested in finding new suppliers.